Tuesday, October 22, 2013


THE HUNGER GAMES: WHEN FANTASY TURNS DEADLY (Dedicated to the recent VICTIMS, of teen on teen violence) When Tina and Ariyanna would decide to roll-play their favorite "Hunger Games" scenes, their intent would be just to have some fun. After awile, though, the two would grow bored with this "safe version", of their favorite movie. This is when the bet would be made. See how close each girl could come, to hitting the other, without actually causing harm. When a third girl, Linda, would get involved, betting both Tina, and Ariyanna $20.00, to see which one would stay in the "cross-hairs", loongest, the idea was supposed to be for each girl to duck, oonly at the last second. Linda had other plans. Linda thought it would be "cute", to see two girls she did not like, playing "chicken", like this. When Linda decided to "bump" Ariyanna's firing aim, while Aryanna was targetting Tina, Ariyanna would stare, in horror, as Linda's "bump", threw off her aim, just enough, and Tina fell to the ground, in a wideing pool of blood. When Aryanna would turn to ask Linda "What have you done?", Linda was nowhere to be seen. Aryanna would face arrest, trial, and prison, while Linda would smile, knowing two, of her high school rivals, would never stand in her way, again. Then, there was the boys role-playing a version, of their own. A group, of popular boys, would spend months harrassing a shy, retiring, boy, named Tim, whose oonly "crime" was that he was not brutish, or bullying, like the other boys. After months, of harrassment, from the bigger boys, who claimed fantastic feats, Tim would accept the bulllies challenge to "prove his manhood". In keeping with the life-or-death image, of the "Hunger Games", the lead bully, named Bill, would lie, saying he could stay underwater, for ten minutes. Bill would, then harrass Tim, saying "I bet a whimp like you wont stay under, for a minute before you cry for your mommy". This insult lead Tim to accept the "Hunger Games" type challenge, allowing himself to be severely tied up, then dunked ten feet under water. After seven minutes, though, when the bubbles stopped coming to the surface, Bill would laugh out loud, saying The whimp is taking the joke seriously". When Bills co-bullies, John and Joshua, were no-longer sure the trick was a good idea, Bill heckled THEM, with a loud laugh. After ten minutes, John and Joshua were ready to pull Tim up, but Bill insisted "Give the whimp five more minutes". At twenty minutes, John and Joshua said "Its been too long. We have to pull him up". Bill would only reply "Whimps", as the three pulled on the line, attached to Tim. Although Bill laughed, and even punched, at Tims body, saying "The jokes over, whimp", John and Joshua would say "I dont think he's breathing". Tims lips, and fingers, were deep blue, and there was no sign of a pulse. When John suggested "We better call the cops", Bill got in his face, and asked "And go to jail, over this whimp? No way!". When Joshua asked "Waht DO we do?", Bill said "Drop thew whimps body back in the water. It will, never, be found. No body, no crime. Thats all the lousy whimp deserves". What Bill didn't count on was Tims popularity, amoung townsfolk. Bill had been so busy being the schools team captain, and harrassing any student, who was "different", including Tim, that Bill never knew that Tim was an all around handyman. Locals even tried to ignore Bills insults, when locals, including Tims family, wanted to search the area, for the missing teen. Bill would even try tellling people "The whimp is NOT worth searching for". Un-fortunately, no one agreed. Still, Bill was sure he was "home free",k when Tims body was not recovered, immediately. A couple of months later, though, word would come. A body had been found, by a fishing boat. Although John and Joshua wanted to "come clean", Bill would say "If you two want to spend your lives in prison, over some whimp, thats on you. You wouldn't last one session, on the real Hunger Games, though" John, and Joshua, were not so sure. While the two, eventually confessed, all that Bill would do was post, on-line "That whimp had it coming to him". As a result of the post, Bill would face a fine, but nothing more, in Tims death. And all of this just because teens wanted to role-play their favorite, fantasy, movie.

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